Biscuit French Toast Recipe

Introduction to Biscuit French Toast

Have you ever tried biscuit French toast? It’s a yummy breakfast that mixes biscuits with French toast. Imagine soft, buttery biscuits dipped in the sweet egg mix and cooked until golden. It’s a new take on the classic French toast we all know and love.

Origins and Popularity

So, where did this tasty dish come from? Biscuits are a big deal in the Southern part of the United States. They’re flaky, buttery, and oh-so-good. French toast has been around for ages, too. People all over the world have their own versions of it.

Biscuit French toast became popular when cooks started using different kinds of bread for French toast. They tried biscuits, and wow, it was a hit! Now, you’ll find it on lots of breakfast and brunch menus. People love it because it’s different and really delicious.

Why It’s a Must-Try Breakfast Dish

Why should you try biscuit French toast? First, it’s more filling than regular French toast. The biscuits make it crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside. It’s a fun mix of textures in every bite.

You can also make it your own. Is it sweet? Add sugar or syrup. Prefer it savory? Try it with bacon or cheese. It’s super flexible.

Plus, it’s a cozy, feel-good meal. It reminds us of happy, lazy mornings and special times with family. That’s why so many people are loving biscuit French toast. It’s not just food; it’s about making great memories.

Choosing the Right Ingredients

When making biscuit French toast, picking the right ingredients is key. It’s like putting together a puzzle – each piece needs to fit perfectly to create a delicious picture. Let’s dive into the best biscuits and other essential ingredients you’ll need.

Best Biscuits for French Toast

Not all biscuits are created equal when it comes to making French toast. You want sturdy biscuits to hold up when dipped in the egg mixture but still soft enough to give that delightful, fluffy texture. Day-old biscuits are perfect – they’re not too soft and soak up the egg mix just right.

Homemade biscuits are fantastic if you have the time. But if you’re in a hurry, store-bought ones work great, too. Just look for ones that are plain and not too buttery or flavored. This way, they can soak up your egg mix’s goodness without competing flavors.

Essential Ingredients for the Perfect Mix

Now, for the egg mix. You’ll need a few simple but important ingredients:

  1. Eggs: They’re the star of the show. Fresh, large eggs work best.
  2. Milk or Cream: This makes the mix creamy. Whole milk is great, but try half-and-half or cream for extra richness.
  3. Sugar and Cinnamon: For a touch of sweetness and warmth.
  4. Vanilla Extract: Just a dash for that lovely, comforting flavor.

Whisk these together; you’ve got the perfect mix for dipping your biscuits. It’s simple, but each ingredient plays a big part in making your biscuit French toast delicious.

Preparation Techniques for Biscuit French Toast

Getting your biscuit French toast just right is all about the prep work. You can turn those plain biscuits into a breakfast masterpiece with a few simple techniques. Let’s get into how to cut and prep your biscuits and some tips to keep them soft and fluffy.

Cutting and Prepping Biscuits

First things first, let’s talk about getting your biscuits ready. If you’re using day-old biscuits, that’s perfect. They’re a bit firmer and won’t fall apart when you dip them. Here’s what to do:

  1. Slice the Biscuits: Cut each biscuit in half horizontally. This gives you more surface area to soak up the egg mixture and makes cooking easier.
  2. Dipping Time: Dip each biscuit half into your egg mixture. Cover both sides well, but don’t let them soak too long. A quick dip is all you need.
  3. Ready to Cook: They’re ready to hit the pan once dipped. But first, let’s make sure they turn out super soft and fluffy.

Tips for Soft and Fluffy Biscuits

Soft and fluffy is the name of the game. Here’s how to achieve that:

  1. Medium Heat is Key: Cook your biscuits on medium heat. Too hot, and they’ll burn on the outside before cooking through.
  2. Don’t Overcrowd the Pan: Give each biscuit half its space in the pan. This helps them cook evenly.
  3. Flip Gently: When one side is golden brown, gently flip them over. This helps keep the air inside, making them fluffy.
  4. Patience is a Virtue: Let them cook slowly and don’t rush. This ensures the inside gets cooked through while the outside is nicely browned.

By following these simple steps, you’ll end up with biscuit French toast that’s golden on the outside soft and fluffy on the inside – a true breakfast treat!

Creating the Perfect Egg Mixture

The egg mixture is what sets your biscuit French toast apart. It’s like the magic sauce that brings everything together. Let’s whip up the perfect blend, focusing first on the eggs and then adding those extra flavors and spices that make it special.

Eggs: The Heart of French Toast

Eggs are the star of your French toast mix. They’re what give it that lovely, custardy inside. Here’s how to get them just right:

  1. Choose Fresh Eggs: Freshness is key for the best flavor and texture.
  2. Beat Them Well: Crack your eggs into a bowl and beat them until they’re smooth. No lumps, please!
  3. Mix in Milk or Cream: Add milk or cream to the eggs. This thins the mixture a bit and adds creaminess. Whole milk is great, but cream makes it even richer.

That’s your basic egg mix. Simple, right? Now, let’s jazz it up a bit.

Adding Flavors and Spices

This is where you can get creative and add your personal touch. Here are some ideas:

  1. Sugar for Sweetness: A tablespoon or two of sugar sweetens the mix. You can also use honey or maple syrup.
  2. Vanilla Extract: A teaspoon of vanilla extract adds a lovely warmth and depth.
  3. Cinnamon and Nutmeg: These spices bring a cozy, comforting flavor. Just a pinch of each will do.
  4. A Pinch of Salt: This might sound odd, but a little salt brings out all the other flavors.

Mix all these into your egg mixture, and voilà, you’ve got a flavorful, aromatic blend that will make your biscuit French toast absolutely irresistible!

Soaking and Dipping: The Art of Perfect Biscuit French Toast

Getting your biscuit French toast just right is all about the soak and dip. This step is crucial for that perfect blend of crispy outside and soft, eggy inside. Let’s dive into the art of dipping and soaking your biscuits for the best French toast ever.

How to Properly Dip Biscuits

Dipping your biscuits in the egg mixture might seem simple, but there’s a trick to getting it just right:

  1. Quick Dip: You don’t want to leave the biscuits in the egg mix for too long. A quick dip is enough. We’re talking about a couple of seconds on each side.
  2. Even Coating: Make sure each side of the biscuit gets an even coating of the egg mix. Use a fork or your fingers to gently flip them.
  3. Let Excess Drip Off: After dipping, hold the biscuit over the bowl for a second to let any extra egg mixture drip off. This helps avoid soggy toast.

Soaking Time for Optimal Flavor

Soaking time is key for flavor:

  1. Not Too Long: If you soak the biscuits for too long, they can get soggy and fall apart. Just a quick dip is enough to get the flavor in without making them too wet.
  2. Just Right: Aim for a quick, even soak. This way, the biscuits absorb just enough of the egg mixture to get flavorful and custardy inside once cooked.
  3. Immediate Cooking: It’s best to cook them right away after dipping. This keeps the texture and flavor just right.

By mastering the dipping and soaking, you’re ensuring your biscuit French toast is perfectly cooked – crispy on the outside and deliciously soft and flavorful on the inside.

Cooking Methods Explored

Once your biscuits are soaked and ready, it’s time to cook them up. There are two great ways to do this: pan frying and baking. Each method has its own charm, so let’s explore how to get the best results with both.

Pan Frying to Perfection

Pan frying is the classic way to make French toast. Here’s how to nail it:

  1. Heat Your Pan: Start by heating a non-stick pan or skillet over medium heat. It’s not too hot, or you’ll burn the biscuits.
  2. Add Some Butter or Oil: A little butter or oil in the pan will help your biscuits get that golden, crispy outside. Plus, it adds flavor.
  3. Cook the Biscuits: Place your dipped biscuits in the pan. Give them space so they’re not crowded.
  4. Flip at the Right Time: After a few minutes, check the underside. When it’s golden brown, gently flip them over. Cook the other side until it’s also golden.
  5. Serve Warm: Biscuit French toast is best served warm, right out of the pan.

Baking: An Alternative Approach

Baking is a hands-off method that’s great for feeding a crowd. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Preheat Your Oven: Set your oven to 375°F (190°C). This is the sweet spot for baking French toast.
  2. Prepare a Baking Sheet: Line or lightly grease a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  3. Arrange the Biscuits: Place your dipped biscuits on the baking sheet. Make sure they’re not touching.
  4. Bake Until Golden: Bake them for about 15-20 minutes. Halfway through, flip them over so they brown evenly.
  5. Enjoy: Baked French toast comes out slightly crispy on the outside and soft inside. It’s a delicious and easy way to make a big batch.

Both methods have their perks. Pan-frying gives you that classic, crispy edge, while baking is great for making a lot at once without much fuss. Try both and see which you prefer!

Serving Suggestions

You’ve cooked up some delicious biscuit French toast. Now, it’s time to serve it up with style! Let’s talk about the best toppings and pairings and some tips to make your breakfast look as good as it tastes.

Toppings and Pairings

The right toppings can take your biscuit French toast to the next level. Here are some yummy ideas:

  1. Sweet Toppings: Maple syrup is a classic, but you can also try honey, powdered sugar, or fruit jams. Fresh fruits like strawberries or bananas add a lovely freshness.
  2. Creamy Add-Ons: A dollop of whipped cream or a scoop of Greek yogurt can add a nice creamy touch.
  3. Nutty Flavors: Sprinkle some chopped nuts like almonds or pecans for a crunchy contrast.
  4. Savory Options: If you like a savory twist, try pairing your French toast with bacon or a sprinkle of cheese.

And don’t forget a cup of coffee or a glass of orange juice to complete the meal!

Presentation Tips for a Delightful Breakfast

How you present your dish can make it even more inviting. Here are some tips:

  1. Plate with Care: Arrange the biscuit French toast neatly on a plate. Overlapping them slightly looks nice.
  2. Add Color: Garnish with some fresh berries or a sprig of mint for a pop of color.
  3. Drizzle and Dust: Drizzle your syrup or honey over the top and dust a little powdered sugar for a fancy touch.
  4. Serve Warm: Always serve your French toast warm. It not only tastes better but also looks more appetizing.

With these serving suggestions and presentation tips, your biscuit French toast won’t just taste amazing – it’ll look amazing, too. It’s all about adding those little touches that make breakfast special.

Delicious Variations of Biscuit French Toast

Biscuit French toast is great because you can make it in so many different ways. Whether you like sweet, savory, or something in between, there’s a yummy twist for you. Let’s look at some easy and fun ideas to change up your French toast.

  1. Chocolate Chip Fun: Add chocolate chips to your egg mix. When you cook the biscuits, you’ll get little melty chocolate bits. Yum!
  2. Berry Blast: Press fresh berries like blueberries or strawberries into the biscuits before you cook them. They add a nice, fruity taste.
  3. Cheesy & Herby: Sprinkle cheese and herbs on your dipped biscuits for a savory flavor. It’s a nice change from the usual sweet French toast.
  4. Nutella Surprise: Spread Nutella between two biscuit halves, then dip and cook. It’s like a chocolate hazelnut treat inside your toast.
  5. Cinnamon Twist: Mix cinnamon and a bit of brown sugar into your egg mixture. It’ll taste like a cinnamon roll!
  6. Pumpkin Spice: Add some pumpkin spice to your mix for a cozy fall flavor.
  7. Banana Magic: Cook sliced bananas in butter and brown sugar, then put them on top of your French toast. It’s sweet and a bit fancy.

These ideas are just starters. You can mix them up or make your own. Have fun and enjoy your tasty biscuit French toast!

The Magic of Syrups and Sauces

Syrups and sauces can really make your biscuit French toast amazing. Let’s look at some yummy choices that are easy to use and taste great.

First off, Classic Maple Syrup is always a winner. It’s sweet and goes perfectly with French toast.

Then, there’s Honey Drizzle. It’s a simple way to add a bit of sweetness. Plus, honey is natural and tastes really good.

Also, try a Berry Compote. Just cook some berries with a little sugar. It’s sweet and a bit tangy, which is a nice change.

Next, for something really sweet, go for Caramel Sauce. It can be homemade or from a store, and it makes your toast taste extra special.

For chocolate fans, Chocolate Sauce is perfect. It turns your French toast into a chocolatey treat.

If you like something fresh, Lemon Curd is great. It’s tangy and bright, and it adds a fun twist.

For a savory touch, try a light Savory Gravy. It’s different from sweet toppings but really tasty.

Lastly, Whipped Cream can make your toast feel like dessert. It’s light and creamy and goes well with any of these toppings.

So, there you have it! All these syrups and sauces can make your biscuit French toast even more delicious. Just pick your favorite and enjoy!

Preserving and Reheating Biscuit French Toast

Sometimes, you might make too much French toast, or you want to save some for later. No problem! Let’s talk about how to keep your biscuit French toast fresh and how to reheat it so it’s just as good as when you first made it.

  1. Cooling Down: First, let your French toast cool completely. This stops it from getting soggy when you store it.
  2. Storing in the Fridge: Put your cooled French toast in an airtight container. It’ll stay good in the fridge for up to 3 days.
  3. Freezing for Later: You can also freeze your French toast. Wrap each piece in plastic wrap and then put them in a freezer bag. They’ll be good for about a month.
  4. Reheating in the Toaster: For a quick reheat, pop your French toast in the toaster. It’ll get nice and crispy.
  5. Warming in the Oven: If you’re reheating a lot, the oven is best. Lay the French toast on a baking sheet and warm it at 350°F (175°C) for about 10 minutes.
  6. Microwave for Softness: If you like it softer, you can use the microwave. Just be careful not to overdo it, or it can get too soft.

By storing and reheating your biscuit French toast the right way, you can enjoy it any time you want, and it’ll still taste great!

Pairing with Beverages

A great beverage can make your biscuit French toast breakfast even better. Whether you’re a coffee lover, a tea enthusiast, or a juice fan, there’s a perfect drink to go with your toast. Let’s look at some tasty options and how to create the perfect morning combo.

Coffee, Tea, and Juices

  1. Coffee: A hot cup of coffee is a classic choice. Its rich, bold flavor complements the sweetness of the French toast. Whether you like it black, with cream, or a latte, it’s a great match.
  2. Tea: If you prefer tea, try black tea for a strong flavor or herbal tea for something lighter. The warmth of the tea pairs nicely with the toast.
  3. Juices: For a fresh start, orange juice or apple juice are great. They add a fruity, tangy taste that balances the sweetness of the toast.

Making the Perfect Morning Combo

To create a great breakfast experience, think about what you like. Do you want something warm and comforting? Go for coffee or tea. Looking for something refreshing? Choose a juice. Here are some ideas:

  1. Coffee and Caramel: If you’re topping your French toast with caramel, a creamy coffee like a latte is a great match.
  2. Tea and Berries: If you’ve got berry toppings, a nice black tea can complement the fruit flavors.
  3. Juice and Classic: For classic French toast with syrup, orange juice is a refreshing side.

Remember, the best combo is what tastes good to you. So, feel free to mix and match until you find your perfect breakfast pairing!

Seasonal Twists on Biscuit French Toast

Biscuit French toast is a dish you can enjoy all year round, and adding seasonal twists makes it even more exciting. Whether it’s spring, summer, fall, or winter, there’s a way to bring a bit of the season to your breakfast table. Let’s explore some easy and tasty ideas for each season.

  1. Spring Flavors: In spring, everything is fresh and new. Add some lightness to your French toast with lemon zest or a spoonful of strawberry compote. Fresh mint leaves can also add a nice, refreshing touch.
  2. Summer Fun: Summer is all about bright, bold flavors. Top your French toast with fresh peaches or a berry salad. A drizzle of honey or a scoop of vanilla ice cream can make it a real treat on a hot day.
  3. Fall Comfort: When the leaves start to change, it’s time for warm, comforting flavors. Mix some pumpkin spice into your egg mixture, or top your toast with apple cinnamon compote. A sprinkle of toasted pecans adds a nice crunch.
  4. Winter Warmth: In winter, we crave cozy and hearty foods. Try topping your French toast with a caramel sauce or a gingerbread spice mix. A hot chocolate or a spiced latte on the side can make it extra comforting.

These seasonal twists are easy to do and make your biscuit French toast feel special all year round. Just pick the flavors that remind you of the season and enjoy!

Nutritional Information of Biscuit French Toast

Understanding the nutritional content of biscuit French toast can help you enjoy this delicious dish as part of a balanced diet. Let’s break down the basics of what’s typically in this breakfast favorite, keeping it simple and easy to understand.

  1. Calories: Biscuit French toast can vary in calories depending on the ingredients used. Generally, a serving (two pieces) can range from 250 to 400 calories, especially when you add toppings like syrup or whipped cream.
  2. Carbohydrates: The biscuits and any added sugar contribute to the carbohydrate content. A serving might have around 30-50 grams of carbs.
  3. Proteins: Eggs in the mixture add protein. You can expect about 10-15 grams of protein per serving.
  4. Fats: The amount of fat depends on what you use in the egg mixture and for cooking. If you use whole milk, cream, or butter, the fat content will be higher. A serving could have 10-20 grams of fat.
  5. Fiber: If you use whole-grain biscuits, you’ll get more fiber. Otherwise, the fiber content is relatively low.
  6. Sugars: Sugars come from the biscuits, any added sugar in the egg mix, and toppings like syrup. The total sugar content can vary.
  7. Vitamins and Minerals: Eggs provide vitamins like B12 and minerals like selenium. If you add fruit toppings, you’ll get extra vitamins and antioxidants.

Remember, these numbers are just estimates. The actual nutritional content can change based on how you make your French toast and what you add to it. Enjoying it with a balance of other foods throughout the day can make it part of a healthy diet.

Biscuit French Toast Recipe

Ready to make some delicious biscuit French toast? Here’s a simple recipe that’s easy to follow and sure to be a hit at your breakfast table. Let’s get cooking!


  • 4 large biscuits (day-old biscuits work best)
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1/2 cup of milk or cream
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon
  • Pinch of salt
  • Butter or oil for cooking
  • Your choice of toppings (like syrup, fruit, or whipped cream)


  1. Prep the Biscuits: Cut the biscuits in half horizontally. If they’re fresh, you can lightly toast them to dry them out a bit.
  2. Make the Egg Mixture: In a bowl, whisk together the eggs, milk (or cream), vanilla extract, cinnamon, and a pinch of salt.
  3. Dip the Biscuits: Heat a non-stick pan or skillet over medium heat. While it’s heating, dip each biscuit half into the egg mixture. Let the excess drip off.
  4. Cook: Add a little butter or oil to the pan. Place the dipped biscuits in the pan. Cook for about 2-3 minutes on each side or until golden brown and crispy.
  5. Serve: Serve your biscuit French toast warm. Add your favorite toppings like syrup, fresh fruits, or a sprinkle of powdered sugar.
  6. Enjoy: Sit down and enjoy your homemade biscuit French toast!

This recipe is straightforward and customizable. Feel free to play around with the toppings and fillings to make it your own. Happy cooking!

FAQs About Biscuit French Toast

Got questions about biscuit French toast? You’re not alone! Here are some common questions and straightforward answers to help you out.

What does the UK call French toast?

In the UK, French toast is often called “eggy bread.” It’s the same basic dish – bread soaked in a mixture of eggs and milk, then fried – but with a different name.

Can you toast a biscuit?

Yes, you can toast a biscuit! If your biscuits are fresh and soft, toasting them lightly can help dry them out, making them better for soaking up the egg mixture without falling apart.

What is British French toast?

British French toast, or eggy bread, is very similar to the American version. The main difference might be in the toppings and seasonings. In the UK, it’s often served with savory toppings like ketchup or baked beans, as well as sweet ones.

What is French toast called in France?

In France, French toast is known as “pain perdu,” which translates to “lost bread.” This name comes from the idea of using stale or “lost” bread, soaking it in an egg mixture, and cooking it to make it delicious again.

Can you make biscuits in a toaster oven?

Yes, you can make biscuits in a toaster oven. It’s a great option if you don’t want to heat up a full-sized oven. Just watch them closely, as toaster ovens can cook a bit differently than regular ovens.

What is Belgian French toast?

Belgian French toast, also known as “Wentelteefjes,” is similar to classic French toast but often includes ingredients like cinnamon, sugar, and sometimes even cream. It’s a sweet, rich version of the traditional French toast.

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